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List of Fund Managers by Fund

As of 17 November 2021
Money Market Funds
KWI Money Market Fund
Equity Funds
KWI Equity Dividend Fund
KWI Long-Term Equity Fund-Non-Tax
Foreign Investment Funds (FIFs)
KWI Asian Equity Plus FIF-A
KWI Asia Pacific Property REIT Fund-A
KWI Asia Pacific Property REIT Fund-R
KWI Asian Small Cap Equity FIF
KWI Dragon Growth FIF
KWI Emerging Eastern Europe FIF
KWI Healthcare FIF-A
KWI Healthcare FIF-D
KWI India Equity FIF-A
KWI India Equity FIF-D
KWI US Bank Equity FIF-A
Long Term Equity Fund (LTF)
KWI Long-Term Equity Fund-Tax
Super Saving Fund (SSF)
KWI Long-Term Equity Fund-SSF
Retirement Mutual Funds (RMF)
KWI Asian Small Cap Equity RMF
KWI Flexible Retirement Mutual Fund
* Investment involves risks. Investors should carefully study the product features, terms and conditions, performance and risk factors before making investment decisions. Past performance/Performance comparison to a capital market product is not indicative of future performance. For investment in the funds with offshore investment exposure and without full hedging of currency risk, investors may experience currency losses or profits, or get back less than their initial investment.

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