Invest With Us


You can complete Switching Order Form and attach all required documents (certified true copy) and send to us via Fax. 02-129-5921 or email: before 3.30 p.m. on the transaction date (or before 1.00 p.m. for KWI MONEY) or through our selling agents before their cut-off time. Any completed documents received after the cut-off time will be proceeded on the next working day.

Please find more details from the

Switching Schedule
Download Form

Required documents for Switching

For Individual
  • Switching Order Form
  • A copy of Identification Card or Passport (Foreigner only)
For Juristic Person
  • Switching Order Form
  • A copy of Identification Card of Authorized persons
Minor over 15 years old

Can be proceeded and signed by himself or herself

  • Switching Order Form
  • A copy of Identification Card or Passport (Foreigner only) of Minor
  • A copy of Identification Card or Passport (Foreigner only) of parents (father and mother) or a legal representative
Minor over 15 years old

Signed by parents (father and mother) or a legal representative

  • Switching Order Form
  • A copy of Identification Card or Passport (Foreigner only) of parents (father and mother) or a legal representative
* Investment involves risks. Investors should carefully study the product features, terms and conditions, performance and risk factors before making investment decisions. Past performance/Performance comparison to a capital market product is not indicative of future performance. For investment in the funds with offshore investment exposure and without full hedging of currency risk, investors may experience currency losses or profits, or get back less than their initial investment.

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