1. Investment in investment units is not bank deposits and is subject to certain risks. Investors may receive the amount of return either more or less than the money in which the investors initially invested. In case of extraordinary circumstances, the investors may not receive the redemption proceeds within the specified period and/or may not be able to redeem the investment units according to their instruction. Investors should carefully consider to only invest in the fund which matches to their investment objective and risk tolerance level and understand the risk associated with them.
2. For investment in the funds with offshore investment exposure and without full hedging of currency risk, investors may experience currency losses or profits, or receive a return less than their initial investment.
3. Investment in Retirement Mutual Fund (RMF) Long Term Equity Fund (LTF) and Super Savings Fund (SSF)
4. Investment in mutual fund contains certain risks, please carefully study the fund’s features, terms and conditions, performance, risks and tax manual before making investment. Investor should study the information in the latest update prospectus to support in decision making and keep it for future reference. For more information or details aside from those provided in this website, please contact the Management Company or selling agents appointed by the Management Company.
5. The measurement of investment performance of the mutual funds in this website is calculated in accordance with the standards specified by the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC). Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
6. The approval by the Office of the SEC for the establishment and management of mutual funds in this website does not imply that the SEC Commission or the Office of the SEC has certified the accuracy of information in the prospectus or guaranteed of price of investment units.
7. A mutual fund is a juristic person, separated from the Management Company. Therefore, the Management Company does not have any obligation to make up for any loss on investment. The performance of the mutual fund does not depend upon the Management Company’s financial conditions or operational performance in any respect.
8. Investors can check information that may affect their investment decision such as transactions with connected persons or at the Office of the SEC or via its website (www.sec.or.th) or the Management Company website.
9. The Management Company allows its employees and staff to personally invest in securities, provided that such investment is in line with the business ethics and the announcements specified by the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC), and shall be disclosed to the Management Company so that the Management Company can monitor and supervise the securities trading made by them.
10. The Management Company may also invest in securities or other assets for its own account in the same way as it invests for mutual funds pursuant to the rules and regulations stipulated by the Office of the SEC. For more information or details regarding investment for the Management Company’s account, please contact the Management Company, selling agents and the Office of the SEC.
11. All information contained in this website are collected and prepared with good faith with our attempt to use reliable source to ensure the accuracy of information. However, the Asset Management Company and its executives including director, officer, or employee do not guarantee the correctness, reliability and completeness of such information for whatever reasons and shall not be liable or responsible to any person for any harm, loss or damage in any connection with all access of the website or use of information. Investors should exercise due care or acquire supplementary information from other sources to support their consideration. The Management Company reserves the right to revise or withdraw any information from time to time without notice.
12. The Management Company reserves the right to refuse or suspend any subscription, allocation and/or transfer of mutual fund units, directly or indirectly, requested by US Person.
13. To amend or modify any report, content, data, text and media on this website by whatever means, whether intentionally or not, or without our prior authorization, in a way which results in damage to the property or reputation of another company or person, is an unlawful act. Aside from civil liability for compensation, the person committing such an act may be subject to criminal punishment.
Additional warnings for Click for Funds
14. Additional conditions for making transactions via the Internet (please refer to other conditions as specified in the prospectus of each fund)
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